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KONNRA Electronics – Changpine organization system guidance launch meeting successfully held

This is an era of competition and change, whether it is an organization or an individual, only good learning, brave breakthrough, in order to survive and develop. On April 22, Changsong organization system guidance project kick-off meeting was held at the headquarters of Kangrui Connector in Dongguan, Kangrui Electronics Chairman Zhou Zhongqiu, general manager Yang Yongli, deputy general manager Liu Ruigai and the heads of departments, enterprise elites, excellent employee representatives attended the kick-off meeting.

Enterprise organization system is a management system built around the problem of enterprise people, including strategic goal planning, business process sorting, organizational structure, salary, performance appraisal, promotion and other contents. Through the construction of organizational system, personal interests and corporate interests tightly tied together, can maximize human potential. Changsong Consulting Group is committed to improving the management of large and medium-sized enterprises, and this training is also the improvement of the internal organization and management level of Cangrui Electronics under the new situation and new challenges.

The development of the enterprise cannot be separated from the efforts and efforts of every employee. How to make the enterprise more cohesive, how to make employees become the core competitiveness of the enterprise, and how to fully release the potential of every employee are the problems that managers have been thinking about. In the face of the requirements of the current market environment for quality improvement and efficiency improvement and the needs of the enterprise’s own development, In this regard, Mr. Zhou Zhongqiu, chairman of Conray Electronics, put forward a request: I hope that through this cooperation with Changsong Consulting, the existing problems within the enterprise can be effectively improved, the human potential can be maximized, the enterprise will be more vibrant and energetic, and a more effective team will be built.

Mr. Yang Yiwei, director of Changsong Consulting Organization and Guidance Project, explained the important relationship between organizational system ability and enterprise development at the meeting, and explained the systems and methods of enterprise organization system including job analysis, performance appraisal, salary design, recruitment system, staff training and career planning in a simple way. The course content was novel, practical and easy to learn. Aroused everyone’s strong interest in learning. After systematic learning, Changsong Consulting will assist Conrui Electronics to do a good job in employee interview, analysis and diagnosis, and put theoretical learning into the action of organizational system improvement.

The development of the enterprise is inseparable from its own persistent internal repair. In 2022, with new goals and requirements, Kangrui Electronics will dig deep into the internal work of the enterprise, optimize the internal organizational structure, develop and enhance the work ability of employees, and enhance the internal cohesion and core competitiveness of the company! In order to realize the vision of “becoming a leading domestic connector brand”, we continue to move forward.


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